so I wrote a curator review and it popped up on the store page, is it because I’m following my curator page by default or is there for everyone
Review got good impressions too
so I wrote a curator review and it popped up on the store page, is it because I’m following my curator page by default or is there for everyone
Review got good impressions too
Tried it logged off, nothing there. I guess it’s just for me
only curator comments of curators “you” follow will get displayed, and usually only the top ones if following “many”, the rest will be “thumbnailed”, or whatever it is when it’s just their curator logo/in a bunch
I’m following a lot of curators, popular ones too. Thanks for the reply tho
yea but they need to have left an “actual” review/recommendation for it to show up, so just because you follow many, doesn’t necessarily mean theirs would show up too
even where i have 2 curators recommending me the same game, like Sterling or TB, it’s usually Sterling that get’s shown on the “review” and TB on the curator comment,
don’t know the specific of what settings make the “review”/recommendation pop up the top, buy only 1 does, and seems to be the same each time (on the same game/page that is)
unsure if it’s because of something in their curator settings or some of the “algorithm”/“helpfulness meta data” vs “content”/links in the “review” that “decides” which of your curators reviews gets shown up top, compared to the curator comments box
4 curators I’m following have reviewed the game, most of them have 100k followers
e.g PcMasterRace
lol think i might just have figured it out
i noticed the page link actually “perma” changes
notice this id for instance The Stanley Parable on Steam
that’s TB’s curator id
so what happens is because at somepoint (in the client) i followed through to the stanley page via “his” curator page/link, it then turns the regular store page link into sorta an affiliate link instead of just the old “regular”/“pure” app id link
-when i go through the store “normally”/resets store search, i get the usual page, no review up top
i’m guessing because you are signed in through “you”, and are also a curator, and “just did” your curation/that game, it now defaults to your “clan” id store page links
i’m betting if you went back to the regular store, and did the normal game searching (where the url then is the regular) you will no longer see your own review up top the curator page, but merely because you actually left a review (remember, regular users that left a review also see their own review up top for quick edit/yes-no recommendation)
Thanks man, that was really informative. Now I understand
np, and i just checked, took a game where i made a review and both tb+sterling also had too
-“normal store”/link -usual display, nothing up top except my own notification
Wait, are we ignoring the elephant in the room:
The fact that under no circumstances could Into The Breach be described as an RTS?!
Hmm, so it’s tower defense?
→ turn-based strategy
says so right on the store page
Think we are being trolled
dude i think i saw you in the gbee livestream. is that you?
Yeah aha, sorry just saw the reply now