Idea concerning the 48-Hour deal

dude, the coin system didn’t change


Yeah, I just was not able to get a coin today, because of the two day deal…
that’s why I said it…

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no dude, that is BS, you can get your coin today, but you have to wait 2.5h till the reset time

there will be a new deal today too btw in any case

The fact is that everyone could get their daily coins on both these days, during this cycle (which started 21.5 hours ago), and during the previous cycle, which started 2 days ago (when epistory became the daily deal) and ended yesterday


I see, my page must have not refreshed properly, (damn you browser cache) I take everything back…


Its odd how many people have been using this site for x amount of time and don’t know the coin spin resets at a certain time every day and has never changed :rofl: