Nice bundle too, but only Heroes of Hammerwatch is in my WL, I liked the first one but I still playing it so no hard priority, blazing beaks for $1 looks good, Hero siege is really entertaining but $10 for it isn’t the best for a game that goes on sale really cheap, I think it will fit better in the 1st or 2nd tier
Not too shabby a bundle I think. Synthetik I hear is great if you like twinstick shooters, Curious expedition is a pretty decent strategy roguelite and Heroes of hammerwatch is pretty well regarded, I believe I got it from the coin store should really try it some day here. Everspace I’ve heard mixed things about, by all accounts it looks like it’s decently put together just there isn’t enough in it to keep you going for very long before things gets repetitive though I have not played it myself.
Curiously though many of the games in the bundle has a recent sequel already out or to be released soon.
It looks like elite dangerous, after seeing the trailer and some gameplay didn’t convince me and still don’t play Elite so no reason to buy it but i agree, isn’t a bad bundle