Has anyone got this yet? I’m looking at the 6 games in Tier 1, and would like to know if they are 6 individual keys, as I already own “Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing” (my favorite “kart” racing game of all time) and would like to gift that key.
EDIT: I answered my own question. I bought the $1.00 Tier 1 bundle and got 6 individual Steam keys.
I guess I should explain better what is involved. I have Humble, Fanatical and other gaming sites in my groups which I follow in my feed. Indie Bundle Tracker is a Awesome one to follow. It does a LOT of sites. I also “Follow” any game I have on my wish list.
Then, everyday, sometimes twice, I read my feed/activity. I rate every post and I glance over it to keep track of how much I read. Sometimes you find free stuff or deals…
I’ve been meaning to ask, what do the different colours and letters mean in that screenshot? You’ve posted this sort of screenshot a few times but I never know what they mean. Presumably some of these mean you already own the game, but which…?