Hitman 3 Starter Pack Free

I’m not sure if it’s free on XBOX, probably is. It’s free on PS4, PS5 and Epic Games



Can confirm it’s on the Epic store, don’t know if it’s a new training level or from the previous games.


I think it’s levels from the previous games, but until April 5th I think you can play Dubai for free which is the first level of Hitman 3


i dont know about Dubai, but it does say it gives Hawke’s Bay, which is the first level of Hitman 2


has anyone been able to unlock their hitman 1+2 locations in the starter pack? I’ve linked the accounts and carried over XP and stuff but i haven’t actually been able to unlock the locations themselves. It says it should work from March 31, but maybe it’s from a certain time only?

can’t wait to free up that 150 GB from the drive i have my steam games on, and if it actually all works in Epic (with 60 GB only), then I’ll buy the 3rd game itself on Epic as well

edit: it works now

edit 2: having just learned that the new dlc (7 deadly sins or something like that) will not even be part from the deluxe edition (and it’s not like it adds new maps or anything like that either), and given I still haven’t played though Hitman 2 campaign yet (started playing Hitman 1 campaign in Hitman 2, so will pick up that in Hitman 3), I’m just gonna sit on that purchase atm. And then maybe I can get a better deal down the road (it’s already pretty good right now with the base game at $14 with regional pricing and 25% off, but future discounts will only get bigger, so why not wait for 50% [or even better] and get everything later?)


also free on Microsoft store btw, so no Epic required:



Thanks @THEFIREGAMER123 :heavy_heart_exclamation: :heavy_heart_exclamation: :heavy_heart_exclamation: