you only have to post/dm discobob if you skipped/missed the initial tutorial when signing up on the forum
(i don’t know if it was always an activated feature since it seems “no one” did so “naturally” until last fall at least and “the rest of us” signed up earlier needed to be reminded of its existence)
user post or “discobot” post difference wouldn’t matter, since either would just tell you, all the same, “how” to initialize the tutorial, (a tutorial which is then done in PM form) -which most of these user posts do fine
also didn’t know you could message a bot xD
I’ve only been here a whole year xD
don’t know what’s more terrifying:
having a moderator, that didn’t pass prior certification
or a moderator -now with diploma of being certifiable
that’s why i’m slightly suspecting it wasn’t an activated featured until late september 2017
because that’s when the first instance occurred of the tutorial certificate appearing, and i find it a bit unlikely that “zillions” of users each “just missed it” when they signed up all this time the forum has been live
(same with user of the month badge -i’m guessing it all might have been part of an entire discourse update thingy. Like when discourse took our cute emojis away )
i don’t know what you’re doing with your PM’s then
(i’ve managed to do the tutorials a couple of times now )
maybe just click discobots profile/user and click the message icon, type some random title and then “only” type @discobot help
and then when the bugger pops up to ask what can do
you reply with a single line of
@discobot start new user
and then you try to do the tutorial as carefully instructed as possible?
don’t know
other than that it might just be somehow you managed to actually break the poor discobot
Edit. aaand just accidentally started the tutorial again for me
hmm maybe just make a blank post here and do the
@discobot help
@discobot start new user
(and if that doesn’t get you a PM from disco, maybe look through your “old” ones and see if it’s because there/are dupes/maybe there is a limit to how many or recent you can do “the same” tutorial?)
Edit, definitely not a “limit” at least, , it just activated the tutorial again for me…
Bonjour ! Pour voir ce que je peux faire, dites @discobot
if that didn’t get you a pm from discobot “greetings”
maybe it’s because yours is somehow in french?
so maybe you need to enter french commands?
when you repsond to discbots
(i don’t speak french so i don’t know what it says besides the bonjour part)
how does it instruct you to reply what when in english users is “@discobot display help” ?
(alternatively maybe go to your site settings and turn on english language momentarily incase that makes it easier for this?
I currently know how to do the following things:
@discobot start new user
Starts one of the following interactive narratives: new user, advanced user.
@discobot roll 2d6
3, 6
@discobot quote
Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you — Princess Diana
@discobot fortune
You may rely on it
yay , glad to see it worked and we finally figured it out
(who knew discobot was so multilingual sensitive)
in the english apparently need to include the “display”, when i just asked “discobot help” nothing happened until i did the whole “(at)discobot display help”
boi that tin can is picky with its commands
discobot -“lost in translation”
@discobot help @anon1460554 dangit!
maybe try going to your site/forum settings and enabling english temporarily and see if that helps discobot to proper figure out the commands its told
well, just have to start “advanced user” then now
when u simply say: @discobot, doesn’t it give u a list of commands? it says to just say @discobot
it should give u all the possible commands in french straight up that way
naa “certified” badge is for the first tutorial
@discobot start advanced user
is “2nd” tutorial part and gives “licensed” badge
Edit. craaap, and i just started the advanced tutorial again…
k, so have u tried “démarrer utilisateur avancé”?
lol, cool