Free tool to stop Windows 10 from spying too much

yo G’s Im pretty sure downloading this has made my computer SLOW AS …

so anyone else had that? if so how do I stop it?

if not… it must be a coincidence it got slow the day I installed this xD

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It’s not even a real install afaik, just an exe file?
I don’t believe it’s able to cause anything like that, but just delete it if you think that’ll help lol
You don’t have to keep it on your harddrive anyway


if it’s not likely to do it, then it hasn’t done it, something else must have :stuck_out_tongue:

just wanted some reports.


I highly doubt it to say the least, if you wanna make 100% sure:

Start the exe again
turn everything red
delete the exe
restart your pc


if you insist, I’ll give it a try later on, I just did something else that might make it run okay again, noticed something recently took up quite a bit of space and just ejected that. Thanks a lot. <3


Ikr 4k porn is heavy on the memory :smirk:

It’s just a suggestion if you want that 100% knowledge for your peace of mind :slight_smile:


damn I knew I should have kept it all in dropbox…

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okay, dude, freaky thing, it worked, now everything runs smooth again.

the BIGGEST problems were dark souls, in the boreal valley, and watching streams.

but before I was playing shoppe keep and THAT went slow, a less than 16 bit game! but now the streams are working and I’ll check dark souls soon