Anyone for Hero’s Hour ? Otherwise I’ll use it.
Just kidding. I’ll give it to the ninjas.
Anyone for Hero’s Hour ? Otherwise I’ll use it.
Just kidding. I’ll give it to the ninjas.
Actually that would have been my second choice, lol, is it still available? (unless of course someone else asks for it).
The remaining games I still have plus the 3 new ones.
Hell Pie
Hive Jump 2: Survivors
Chasm: The Rift
RIOT - Civil Unrest
Dishonored: Definitive Edition
Tomb Raider: Underworld
Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition
Quake II
Hero’s Hour
Planet of Lana
The Coma: Recut
I think I’d like to have this one if that’s alright.
May I have this one to feather my nest please?
Lara if I am not late
I’d like Dishonored: Definitive Edition (if not taken)
The Coma: Recut
Hell Pie (Nobody wanted it? I thought it was cute looking.)
Could I have Hero’s Hour?
Can I get Hive Jump 2: Survivors if you still have it?
NGL the wild KFC we feed here sometimes are hella combative. This game been knew chickens.
Free GOG code with some games:
It includes the following games:
Weird. I did it. It’s in my “Orders History” but I don’t notice anything new added to games library. Do you know what it does exactly?
EDIT: I think I must have already acquired any relevant games in the past, so that’s why I’m not seeing anything new, lol.
It added these to my account:
Lure of the Temptress (1992)
Worlds of Ultima™ : The Savage Empire
Ultima™ Worlds of Adventure 2: Martian Dreams
Were those games free before? I think I had them already. I put the code and nothing happened haha
Yes, if you’ve had a GOG account a long time, it’s likely you already owned most or all of that group of games (see my EDIT above).