I love all animals with the exception of snakes. That fear is a ‘gift’ from my mother.
She attended churches which practiced talking in tongues and snake handling. I was the chosen child that the snakes were used on to demonstrate that they were safe. They used rattlers. After the services I was given to the pedophile pastors to use the snakes in other ways that I’ll not discuss here. I know that was not the snake’s fault but the trauma still causes me not to be able to tolerate snakes. We won’t discuss how I feel about pedophiles, my mother or religion.
I absolutely adore all other animals. When I’m having a bad day and who hasn’t had a double dose of them in this awful year I talk to my birds or look for wonderful stories about pets.
I have an online newspaper that is free here:
Anyone, anywhere in the world can do this, and the premium paper is only $9.00 US a month. My paper is primarily about sewing and science, and yes I know that is probably a weird mix.
Today this link is on it:
National Geographer Wildlife Photography of 2020
as is a story about a gorgeous songbird that is half male - half female.
The world seems to be catching up with the animal population - this is my desktop image and I have many more like this on my Pinterest page:
as more and more birds and other animals (bees, butterflies, for example) are being found that are unusual in color and are labeled by science as gynandromorph.
I hope others will post pictures of your pets, animal stories or links that made you happy. Twitter has Caturday so why can’t we have our own Pet day every day?
I saw this yesterday and was so excited because I thought it was about a new movie:
Spider-Cat is already shaping up to be the real hero of Spider-Man
Spider Man is my all time favorite Hero and has always been. But nope not about a movie. Color me disappointed.
If this is in the wrong category or shouldn’t have been made at all, please tell me and feel free to delete it.
Have a great day everyone. Please be safe and practice kindness. It is free and it’s catching.