I’m going to change the requirement to older games I’ve liked, although my definition is a little different and my choices are probably reflective of that -
Wonder Boy III The Dragon’s Trap
Turrican 2 The Final Fight
The Secret of Monkey Island
Supercars 2
Kick Off 2
Eye of the Beholder
Xenon II Megablast
The Chaos Engine
Alright, I’ve decided to sort it by platforms and games that I’ve played
SuperNES Super Bomberman 3 - It’s a tough one since there’s so many good games. I’ll give it to Bomberman due to all the good time I had with friends.
MD/Genesis Shining Force II - One of the best tactics hidden gems, many have not even heard of it.
Playstation Castlevania: Symphony of the Night - The Masterpiece.
Nintendo 64 Pokemon Stadium - I’ve only played a few N64 games, the minigames were super fun, it was my Mario Party because I didn’t care for Mario as much as Pokemon at the time.
GameBoy Color Pokemon G/S/C - My favorite generation, the mechanics that it brought at the time was mindblowing for me, like wooot you can have a phone in the game?! P.S. I didn’t have a phone irl then.
Dreamcast Sega GT - Another console that I didn’t had played a ton of games, I’ve only even had the experience because a friend of my uncle lend him the console to try. Dreamcast, GameCube, all were “rich boy” consoles. Also, Dreamcast was smooth, it run close to 60 fps I believe, it was something that I never experienced before with consoles.
Playstation 2 Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas - Ahh, all the time well spent playing this. Wreacking havoc with a friend dressed as a prostitute, those were the days. Completed the story mode twice, and I need to complete a third time on Steam version, lol.
GameBoy Advance The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap - One of the not so popular Zeldis, but a favorite of mine. Also a tough choice since there were really good GBA games as well, I would give it to FFTA, but I’m going to give it on the next category!
Nintendo DS Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift - The sequel to the GBA one, if you know me, I’m a sucker for pixel graphics, and this game was beautiful. And all the FFT mechanics and fun. Stole the spot from many games for me.
PC Diablo II: Lord of Destruction - Oof, there are so many, such hard choice. But I gotta give to my boy. Still hoping for a remaster, even though it’s not necessary.