If you thought $1 was too much for you during its last sale, you can save yourself $0.31 now.
If you thought $1 was too much for you during its last sale, you can save yourself $0.31 now.
Anyone tried the game?
Me too. It was already a great deal when they did the $1 deal. I expect everyone owns it from then, but if not, they should grab it.
Kinda “Should you play it, or why?” while there is Hotshot Racing or so (which is dope)
I mean the discount is fantastic, especially when you consider it’s the complete package - which is not even available on Steam anymore…
…but the real question is: why would I play any other racing game, when I have Garfield Kart?
I like “Garfield Kart”.
Even more, I really, really like “Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing”
I like “Garfield Kart”.
If Garfield Kart had a Train expansion, would they call it Garfield Trak (like Amtrak) (Trak is Kart reversed).
Should you play it, or why?” while there is Hotshot Racing
I prefer my games to exit out of menus with the B button or esc key rather than alt-f4.
Yes I literally got stuck in a menu and had to alt f4 out of it