Thanks @spinoute , a good looking set of games, but just like the ones from June, there are some that catch my interest, but I am willing to wait until they are in a cheaper bundle down the line.
2 games cought my attention.
Surge 2. Wow. Kind of new game.
The Crew.
If I pick 3 games, its like getting them for 3,33€ each. Nice deal.
Going to wait one more days for Humble bundle games this month.
I also curious able Humble, not eager but curious.
I’m thinking of picking up the following:
- The Surge 2
- Just Cause 3
- Trine 4
- Darq
- Song of Horror
The first 3 are on my wishlist. Darq also interests me. Song of Horro I don’t know nothing about, but I had to pick another one to make it 5, so it was it.
Nice choices. Hope surge 2 is good.
I haven’t even played the first, which I also got through a Fanatical bundle last year. But I heard good thinga from both, and for the price I think it’s worth it.
Not sure what I am doing yet
I have most or don’t want…There are some that are NOT Steam at the bottom of the list.
I do love weeping Angel’s. Will at least peer at that Docto Who game closer.
haha Like I expected. Surge 2 is included in Humble CHOICE july.
Trine 4 was in humble choice few months ago.
Found it also on Humble Trove website. They didnt update it yet.