Fallout New Vegas mod finally gets a release date!!!!

Fun fact:

As a bilingual child, when I was taking to my dad (American) I would go, for example:

“Yeah but when was the first world war? One thousand nine hundred and what?”

And my dad would, very patiently, just say:

“Nineteen fourteen.”

And I would go:

“Of what?”

I was adorable, probably.

Btw, in Portuguese we say “Mil novecentos e catorze/quatorze”. Which is “one thousand nine hundred and fourteen.”

It took me years to pronounce dates properly in English without having to think for a full minute, and sometimes I still stutter. Not to mention the, pardon me, absolutely idiotic MM/DD/YY. Don’t even get me started on that.


For 19xx I do the same, but 20xx never. Maybe at 21xx I will switch to the dark side again.


LOL! I still stutter. Lucky me! My birthday is reversible. 08/08 or 08/08…Easy peasy :sunglasses:


Happy birthday for yesterday then :tada::tada::tada:
I hope it was as grand and awesome as you are :heart: :sunflower:


HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY DELEN13!!! Hope you had a good day.


Happy ‘Belated’ Birthday, lass.

2 old school friends of mine were both born on 07/07/77

My 1st born daughter was born on 05/05/05

My 2nd born daughter was due to be born on 07/07/07 but she was born a day early, so naturally I put her on the back of a donkey, blindfolded and sent her on her way, once she was able to walk of course, I am not a monster.
Some still say I was wrong to do that, that it was just silly because she was so young, just a toddler still but I didn’t want to take any chances, so I used the blindfold anyway.

Happy Birthday, again. Here is a song for you.



Thanks, Everyone! Had a great day! I, finally, have the answer to the burning question…Will you still love me when i am sixty four?

Nice video, @Punkster. I have seen that view a few times after a few shots. Did you blindfold the donkey or the kid(Like the Child…not the goat)? I am confused. :confused:


This is beautiful. :yellow_heart:


Yeah, not enough thought put into it, 0808 State is a bit of a stretch.

Neither, the blindfold was for me.


Well, I lived through 08/08/88 and 08/08/08 so I am satisfied. :smile:


Next stop: 8/8/2088

Come to see me at Headless Museum Of Nobodies™


Btw fallout new California is out now and what I have played through so far has been pretty amazing :grinning:


Wait it’s not coming to steam?
What on Earth were they thinking?

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I can’t wait to play it. Finishing up Fallout 4 first though. :sweat_smile: How is the music in California?


Late Happy Birthday !!!

My i mention some honorable Fallout 4 mods?
-Capital wasteland (brings all fallout 3 gameplay and story into Fallout 4 this mod will never see the light unfortunately :cry:, it was a fallout 3 remake in fallout 4, yet the stopped the project since Bethesda didn t own the soundtrack licenses XD )

=Fallout 4: New Vegas (brings all new vegas gameplay and story into Fallout 4 although the voices might be different, bcz… same issue with sound copyright… but this team decided to re-voice act the game… which might work ( grey zone law, they didn’t drop the project like team Capital wasteland ) )


As far as game music it is decent but I haven’t been able to listen to the radio stations yet as I have just made it out of the vault. The second radio station seems to be a metal station run by raiders which seems odd for the fallout universe. If I have time tonight to get on the game I can report back with the music from the radio stations


dude, just u wait till u run into the emo’s on Venice


Ok so we have 3 radio station ncrpr which is a news station and has news about quest you have completed. The standard station(cant recall the name) but it has the new Vegas music. Finally we have deth 98.1 which is the raider metal station. Deth 98.1 fits in ok sounds like what raiders would play and the talk in between music is great. Deth 98.1 is too loud on the pipboy for me though but fits in nice on the radios. Haven’t run into any emo’s yet @harith lol


they… tied… the… fcn… speed… to… fps… :confounded:

to be lazy and copy paste the same bloody buggy engine+game code for a offline sp into their goddamn online mp pvp focused game :man_facepalming:

i’m guessing it was a “smart” move to actually not put it on steam… omg the down votes had probably been harsh on this release :joy:

2018 folks: Bugthesda :clap:


We still can have hope…
…maybe they are going to fix everything???

Prob not :frowning: