[Europe only] Abolishing daylight savings

Only a few days left to “vote” guys!

You are ofc free to vote whatever, but I suggest voting FOR the abolishment :grinning:
(Who doesn’t hate the change twice a year without any real energy saving…)


I live in Scotland, if we abolish it, our kids will be walking to the school in winter in complete darkness.

Our Farmers also benefit from it, so I am going to have to say, no thanks. Shifting the clock is hardly an inconvenience for me. It gives me an excuse once a year as to why I am late for work by feigning ignorance of the clock change. These new phones that auto change have become a pain in that regard.


I guess that would be the same for kids round here.
Mind you, you can vote for keeping summer OR winter time permanently.


I saw that, however, either way the kids will be walking in darkness, either on the way home or on the way to school.

This was tried before, it was a disaster for the North of Scotland.


I always walked to school in darkness in winter :no_mouth:


This is exactly why countries should be allowed to determine certain things for themselves, this is ridiculous


I think it would be more ridiculous if in addition to ‘time zones’ we also had zones of daylight savings compliance… That sorta thing would get travelers thrown out of whack.


There are many other reasons I oppose this that I have not mentioned, one of which is the debate never ends. It has been tried, retried, we had double time in Summer during WWII. We either have a national UK/EU standard or we don’t. We shouldn’t keep changing things every single time people are tired of the change.

We have tried it, it failed, we try it again and due to it being different for different parts of the countries they all say different things. Do you know we used have multiple different time zones to account for this? It was abolished due to faster travel times thanks to the invention of Steam Trains and people who kept having to adjust their watch by 10 mins when reaching their destination. sounds ridiculous nowadays but that is why there was a national standard introduced.

It is an expensive waste of tax-payer money & time, ironically. It works as it is. Leave it alone. No matter how many times it is changed or who’s data we look at, there are arguments to made for either side, so as a nation we should have a standard and we already do. One that inconveniences the least amount of people.

By all means debate. It is just I feel I have seen all the evidence multiple times before over the years and what we have works well enough to please most, so I have been convinced of this argument since my school days. I think it should remain as it is.


Here up in the north we barely see the sun as it is during most of winter. But daylight savings helps a bit during autumn and spring, I’d prefer to keep it.


what difference would it make rly, they have to adjust their clocks anyways upon arrival, also, that’s how it used to be btw, and even till now lots of countries, even some european ones, don’t even apply daylight savings time while others do

i’d even argue that it’s a lot easier now than it ever was before, since now with internet u can know the time of any place within a second, doesn’t even require any research or knowledge…

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I wasn’t aware EU had control over that crap too.


soon they’ll tell u what time to go to bed too


lol it wouldn’t surprise me. EU is nothing but a pain imo… but that’s a topic for another day.


This would be an other case of “Fix one thing, break something else.”

I know in certain scenarios it would be good to abolish daylight saving, but as others here have stated, it would ruin a lot of things at the same time, which is really not too great. There is a lot of debate about this topic and who knows what would be the best option…

I would keep it as it is, changing it would be too much of a hassle for everybody in my opinion.


I’m also in Scotland.

Basically everything Punkster said.


I know they are often a pain, but I truly appreciate the EU for things like keeping our market free and competetive (e.g. Google’s Monopoly) or at least TRYING to get countries to work on their CO2 emissions.

It’s easy to say the EU sucks when the media rarely reports of the positives.

Yeah, idk either, I only know that every time the clock changes my body feels dead inside for half a week. So I obviously am for abolishing it, as I have nigh zero positives from it.

It was just a heads-up guys, am not forcing you to vote either xP


I apologize for my ignorance but can someone explain how this helps farmers?

FWIW, the only redeeming value of living in Arizona, USA is that we don’t follow DST. I’ve also lived in Japan where DST isn’t a thing either. I understand the concern in high latitude countries but otherwise i much prefer living without it.


Every time I see y’alls complaining about EU doing stupid things and the US having to deal with someone’s silly whims I look at the drug trafficking scenario and death rates here and go “thank goodness I live in Brazil.” :joy:

Jokes about people dying aside, I’m all for daylight savings. It works well here and I don’t believe we ever considered abolishing it. :thinking:


Annnnd may I ask why you are for them? What are the positives for you?


The main objective is to make better use of natural light instead of artificial light in the most critical period of the day, that is, from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. when the coincidence of energy consumption across the population causes a peak, called “peak hours”. In Brazil, the measure was first implemented in 1931 with the Decree of Law No. 20,466, dated October 1, 1931. However, it has only been practiced annually since 1985.

According to the Ministry of Mines and Energy, in a note issued in March this year, the 2016/2017 daylight saving time allowed a saving of R $ 159.5 million, due to the reduction of the operation of thermal plants during the period of validity of this schedule.

Translated by Google Translate. Source: Horário de verão e meio ambiente.

Aforementioned quote by the Ministry of Mines and Energy:

The estimate of summer time gains is R $ 147.5 million, which represents the avoided cost of dispatching thermal plants due to electrical safety issues and service to the load end during the Summer Day period.

Translated by Google Translate. Source: Começou o Horário de Verão 2016-2017


Several very interesting papers in English, which apply more to countries than aren’t so close to the Equador:

Daylight saving time: Research on health, car accidents and energy usage

The spring is most dangerous: In the first few days after we lose an hour of sleep, researchers have shown increases in car accidents and heart attacks — the latter by as much as 24 percent. Those phenomena may decrease for a few days after the fall switch, when we are given that extra hour of sleep. Another study reports a mild health boost in the fall, though a 2016 study in Epidemiology found increased depressive episodes in the autumn, when the change means we are suddenly leaving work in the dark.

People with small children report higher levels of unhappiness during the spring transition, when they lose an hour of sleep. Without DST, though, parents worry about children leaving for school on dark winter mornings. Crime drops after the spring change.