REMINDER: The next Free Animated Sticker 48 period just started.
I got this:
I got a snowboarding rabbit.
I’m good.
Sad to see Resident Evil Village win GOTY. Valheim easily deserved that win but no one ever votes for indie titles, they only want AAA GOTY winners.
I completely respect your opinion, but I’m a bit puzzled at how a game could even be nominated before going 1.0
There is a fanatical following for that RE game. Nothing was going to win when it popped up as one of the entries. People cannot separate biases, after all.
I would argue that there are plenty of AAA games that don’t deserve being 1.0, like New World for example and it was nominated. While Valheim is EA, I think it released as a full playable game with hundreds of hours of content and minimal bugs. It isn’t your typical EA game imo.
I voted for Valheim.
It’s so frustrating! It’s like they do it on purpose.
Apparently I’ve posted too much in this thread and forum is like, “Shut the F up”.
Thankfully I’ve already reached a good level to my Steam Awards badge, and I agree they’re a pain to get. It’s like Steam forces you to collect and craft all the badges you can to get it.
You can use SteamLvlUp to recycle the items you don’t want and convert it to points, which you can use to buy cards. They’re selling the Steam Awards cards there.
100% agreed as well
My sister had like 8 million event cards from buying games and I was like “Yo, biotch, you gonna use those?” -insert dave chappelle meme here- and she was like “No, now get out of my face.”
Long story short. I got a thousand cards and craft the badge at least 2 more times. xD
As for the votes, I just voted games I had some knowledge of, or had seen gameplays. Also wish Indie titles got more love - many are aweseome.
One I saw lately is called The Shore - a horror, Chtulu themed game. It’s spectacularly pretty.
lol… Yeah, but I think monster designs are pretty too. The coastline though… phew…!
That really caught my, very interesting, and I hope they make it a permanent category for future years.