Do I need to play Dark Souls I & II ?

ebay still has plenty my friend :smiley: I bught one about a year ago. :slight_smile:

lol. The only time the camera ever gave me trouble was when I was trying to aim with a bow. The camera speed was fine with the keyboard and for some reason using a mouse moved the camera at warp speed. I was able to adjust what I needed in setting just fine otherwise though. as long as you had good timing you could dodge basically anything (rolling into an attack is your friend), and if you could parry that helped as well.

Most of those wont deliver to Sweden and the ones that do add like £13 in postage so that makes a brand new xbone pad from a swedish retailer WITH charger cables and battery packs cheaper.

Ebay is kind of useless over here, amazon isn’t much better.

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ah okay :confused: I’m sorry for your loss then, maybe you can find one in a game shop somewhere near? if there are any left that is :confused:

Game shops? No we never had many of those to start with and the few that existed are mostly gone. :slight_smile:

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wait wait, let me make sure i follow
you played with kb+m on all dark souls games, on pc, after starting in ds3? -including playing with kb+m in ds1, on pc?!? :open_mouth:
(or “only” in ds3?)

yep :+1:
i hear you on that, depending on what one orders, the delivery might even be as much/more than the item itself :laughing:

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No I have only played about a third (so far) of DS3 and I’ve played it mainly with kb+m. I have not played DS 1, 2, bloodborne or demon souls.


ahh okay, now i’m with you :+1:

I’m gonna play Demon souls for the first time soon, that was way back in the raw days and I know literally nothing about it, I was always under the assumption it was bad but some people on reddit seem to think it’s good, my dad has a PS3 but I don’t so it will be a struggle to play it xD but I did that for MGSV so I think that will be fine xD

Bloodborne will only be possible if I manage to get PS4 or if they release it on the PS5 the latter of which is what I’d prefer.

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Demon Souls is the only Souls game I’ve played. I had fun with it.


My humble opinion as somebody who did just that.

I played a lil bit of DS1 tho but I got lost and I didn’t understood the mechanics.

This is a great soul to start with: the pacing is slower in terms of how the map opens and you have a central area.

They tell you how the game works more plainly; not only the technical aspect but the story* too.

And by that I mean what is happening right now
If you watch DS3 cinematic, and even DS1 you’ll be fine with the main story/mistery (I think I am so far)

They mention other games lore but like… They talk about Legends, like Greck myths ya know? and I don’t know what truly happened but It’s cool and not confusing.

I talked with poor @onLooSe <3 and he gave me a lil push at the start that was key to fully enjoy the game and then he listened to all my questions.

Key point here: He didn’t necessarily answer them, he has a way of helping without spoiling.

If you don’t get something that in the end will just frustrate you like some game mechanics he’ll answer right away. I’m here too for the basic stuff btw ^^

A bit on the go now, I’ll read and all but after this weekend you can ask Whatever you want :relaxed:

I just read you’re already decided :joy: daaam
I hope you have a blast ^^

Imma sleep now.


Wow, thanks for all the information! I didn’t even know Dark Souls was a online thing.

I haven’t really made any final decision. It’s just that after talking with some people from here on Steam, it seems like I should try out the one I already own (DS3) and get a taste for what I’m getting into. What if it’s way too frustrating? I like hard games, but I understand that I might not understand how difficult this is.

I also noticed that the remaster of DS1 has mixed reviews, and the fact that they pulled the original from the store, upsetting half it’s audience, kinda puts me off. But what do I know?

Anyway, these are the reasons I’m leaning toward starting with DS3. I’m just waiting for a day off work.

For real, thanks for all the replies! I didn’t expect so much! It’s helped a lot, and started some good conversations on Steam.


just remember screenshots on your journey to share your many deathsadventures :+1:
(i’m really enjoying it when Kyle’s, Vindace’s etc screenshot pop up in the feed to view)


Oh dear… this is difficult. 52 minutes in, and I’m still struggling with character creation!

If I ever get this character created, I’ll take a screenshot of him.


I often get stuck in character creation for a good long while in most games that offer them. Not so much in DS3 though, the standard offers are pretty quick to browse through and they’re all ugly and doesn’t really even matter. First of you’ll be a dried out hollow immediately anyway and secondly armour is what will determine how you look. Fashion souls is a concept that exists for a reason but naked character model isn’t it.


This is what I come up with after 125 minutes.

It kinda looks like me.

Did my best.