Definitely giving away some game keys

Oh it costs more? I should take advantage of that :smiling_imp:

That’s a fun deal, I’ll PM you! :slight_smile:

It’s still here, right in front of me…but don’t tell nobody :sushing_face:

I tell you what, it’s not just sick, it’s rad! I’ll need some time to process all the music first tho :sweat_smile::grin:


I was willing to give you the game for the effort of sending all these links alone, BUT the first song (or even just the first 20s of it) made my ears shoot blood in all directions and now my walls are all red and messy…yes this must be the opposite of horny dudes in animes/mangas.

I still have 2 outta 3 lives left, you can try till 1 cause I don’t wanna die lol :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Oh boy do I have something for THAT category. .

PS. You don’t have to break the link to do this. Just don’t let the link be alone on a line, a dot at the end or start works just fine and you don’t have to go to all the bother @nebula7 suggested.

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I would argue that Black Tongue are more downtempo hardcore/deathcore than Blackened Doom. I’d go with Elysian Blaze as more along the lines of blackened doom (or maybe dISEMBOWLMENT)

[Posting from work]


I love it!

its like a Hideo Kojima cutscene!

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that reminds me of melodic death metal

and theres no point talking about sub genres everyone I’ve met has a different opinion on whats black metal or doom metal or whatever. I say its doom because of the guitars, the tuning is DEEEEEP

though deathcore fits.

the MAIN doom band is my dying bride.

and dude, I LITERALLY posted a warning on it xD

its not my fault you listened to the thing labeled “DOOM metal”

and had your ears blasted xD

and I only posted that band to prove I wasn’t kidding, you did not have to click on it.

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also don’t know how to multi reply


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@kylehayman361 Just type @ and start typing the name of the person and it will suggest profiles for you to choose them, it will tag and send them a notification. So just do this in one post tagging who you wanna reply.


@anon74641759 if you haven’t seen them before, Curse of The Weggy Board and how is prangent formed make me laugh every time. I would say they lower my opinion of people’s literacy, but I’m not sure that’s possible anymore :smile:

I actually just started playing through SpaceChem. As an IRL materials engineer, these reactors are the stuff of my dreams. SpaceChem doesn’t call them this, but I can’t help thinking of them as Universal Constructors (played Deus Ex before I was a materials engineer). It’s interesting to me that you can date the game based on the elements in their periodic table, especially after we just finished row 7 last year (to be clear, those elements were discovered years earlier, but they weren’t officially named on the table until recently).

Anyway, since I’m into SpaceChem at the moment, if you can’t find a home for that SpaceChem DLC, I would enjoy playing it. But if someone else just has to have it or you’d rather give them away together, no worries.

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Don’t act all Mr. Smart pants on me okay, it wasn’t clear what exactly was gonna come from my speakers after clicking the link and how lethal it could be :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::grin:

Dooo you know just…regular…hip hop? But with a fancy beat? That’d do! Or some more of that french stuff, that’s chill! Or just a (extremely super duper one & only) fav track of yours (which isn’t anything that identifies as Metal/Nu metal seems okay tho cause Linkin Park so forget the “no metal” talk again)? :ok_hand:

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ah right… didn;t know that was a reply, thought that was just a tag.

I mean like with the quotes n stuff though. so they know what message you mean I dunno its too much anyway I learned hyperlinks thats enough for today xD

DID YOU SAY draws breath A NU METAL?!?!?!


haha just kidding. I will look around my mind. first thing that comes to mind is the full video I will post below, everyone should like this song.

but I’ll see what lovely plain ass rap I can come up with. surely I must know one weird artist in that genre.

sidenote: Ice cube has a metal band called bodycount its cool

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Are you prignart or why do you tell me about these? Rofl these were fun!
(Also: Did I just mention myself by quoting you? O.o )

I don’t think anyone more fit for getting this DLC is gonna come along, sooooo you WIN :tada::gift:


IZ-What a Wonderful World

This is always so chill and relaxing, thought it may be a good change up for you there. :slight_smile:

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OMFG THESE BAST****S BLOCKED THIS VIDEO IN MY COUNTRY! How dare they, I will find UMG’s headquarters and nuke these mofos! :triumph::triumph::triumph:

@But thank you anyway, YQMaoski, that is indeed a super chill track :smiley:



We will try it again, how’s this one?

IZ’s Song Again

Hopefully this works for you. Even though you know it’s a super chill track, nothing beats actually listening to it. I could sit there and listen to his ukulele and his voice all day…



this is elevator music. this is just perfect for a looooong arse elevator ride. :grin:
(no clue why it doesn’t show up as video =( )

no I said fancy a** rap :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

oh do I spot a PUN? :o Almost didn’t cause it’s totally not obvious, thank you for the strong letters.


Works perfectly now, thanks, this voice really is a blessing!

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