What goes Chrono mean?


Lets see if we can’t find out?


Why do I feel like I just got RickRolled. And…no, I am NOT providing a link…LOL

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Chrono means time, Chronos is also the Greek god of time. Since the site revolves around a new sale every 24 hours, we picked Chrono as the name (and it sounds cool).


And this is how the magic happened:

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[quote=“delenn13, post:3, topic:4755”]
And…no, I am NOT providing a link…LOL
[/quote]Rick-Rolling, Definition: To roll around while being named Rick. Origin; from the Greek word, Rickartes, meaning ridicolous

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Thank Heavens for Chrome Extensions…

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oh no worries, i never use shortened links anyway, i find that highly rude
embedded links, now that’s another matter :smile_cat:

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It reads Embedded links too…I saw the Baker link…etc…

You can do that by just hovering over the link though.



So all i need to beat your website is to make a site called Zeus? :wink:

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It’s an homage to Chrono Trigger, the best game of all time.

Nah that’s either FFIX or MGS2

Why do people like MGS? Honest question, I’m not being sarcastic. I don’t get it. To me the gameplay feels stiff, the plot is corny, and the overarching ideas are just kind of a mess.

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Dat ass?


That’s the only reason needed

I understand why a lot of people don’t like it, especially recently with the disaster that was MGSV but for me it is one of my all time favourite game series of which MGS2 is my favourite.

What can I say, the characters while not being amazingly fleshed out are entertaining and relatable and have that weird Japanese humour that I enjoy but that doesn’t go so overboard to make them weird like some recent FF characters.

The gameplay, well this was one of the first tactical stealth games I played and I enjoy the enclosed map feel of it, forcing you to use different tactics and not just find something that works to use all the time like most open-world games. The boss battles are great, I wish more games had boss battles.

The plot is a bit crazy and again I can understand why if people don’t click with this, they won’t really like the series at all, but I love it. So many twists and turns and crazy plot moments that you never would have guessed, too many games these days in this genre bore you with unimaginative or predictable plots. Yes there are plenty of good stories out there in modern games but nothing quite like Kojima and MGS. Just you wait till Death Stranding comes out, it will probably blow your mind!

Anyway that’s my rant over, lol!

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Makes sense. Actually, best defense of the series I’ve ever read. I don’t mind the Japanese-ness of it, I guess the gameplay is the really sticky point to me. I can’t quite understand if it’s really meant be played as stealth or if you need a certain dose of aggression. I can never quite find that balance of when to do what. The bosses also annoy the f* out of me.

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