Ok, first of all, the “example” game tittles are top notch, beautiful.
Second, it’s very kind of you and giving I’m having more free time lately I’m gonna enter for three of them that actually I wanna play (but don’t have yet, like Bioshock Infinite and XCOM 2 wich are amazing games both).
I would like to enter for
Darksiders 2 Deathinitive Edition
The Surge
I don’t need Bioshock or XCOM 2 but I strongly encourage everyone to give them a try since they are amazing (and if that doesn’t let you fullfill your list with the games I picked then, well, everybody wins! Specially me, but I’m willing to count that as a point for the whole team. Yes, I’m that generous.
Hello there partner, thank you for great giveaway. I’ll be joining for: 1. darksiders 2 2. enigmatis: the mist of ravenwood 3. XCOM 2
Thank you and have a nice day.
That’s what I want to know. You are hanging with the cool dudes, right now. Once I leave of course. I am about as cool as an Eskimo in full Eskimo clothing attending a 24hour Rave in Death Valley, California while carrying hot water bottles.
Lol @Halcypher should edit his post and put massive sarcasm quotes either side.
He was joking because despite me being extremely anal and explaining it with a picture, some still haven’t done what was asked. Nor have some read the other criteria for entering.
BAH HUMBUG - I SEE THROUGH THIS CHARADE! This is a sneaky Badge Hunter topic masquerading as a giveaway…that “Great Topic” Badge is soooo very shiney…precious, my precious…Golem! Go…cough, cough…got a little carried away there…
… who would ever do that, or make a post, just to get a badge ? i mean, that just sounds completely far-fetched , i think people are reaching there. Not like they could even come up with a single example of someone taking advantage of the "digital distinction"system on the forum like that, in the middle of all these outrageous allegations
Very tempted to enter for one of them, but for the time being no. I may well crack, but I have to focus on how lucky I’ve been to have the games that I already own, and concentrate on playing those.
Ace giveaway though… (tempted to post an Ace Rimmer, What A Guy! image…)