Check Your Facebook!

I have no friends on Facebook(I “unfriended” everyone about 12 yrs ago or more…Including the hubby.) I just use it to follow companies and such to get free stuff.
If you want to know if any of your info was shared with Cambridge Analytica, click HERE!

This is what i got as a reply:
"Based on our available records, neither you nor your friends logged into “This Is Your Digital Life.”
As a result, it doesn’t appear your Facebook information was shared with Cambridge Analytica by “This Is Your Digital Life.”


Good to know! Thank you!


Tnx for heads up @delenn13 :+1:


wuts Facebook??? ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯

best social media is “MyFace”

(a division of taco corp)



I’d log into mine but all the b-day wishes i’d be getting kinda makes me not want to lol


As if Cambridge gives a flying pig’s turd on an anon from a third world country such as myself :stuck_out_tongue:
Also I do not use my personal data on there as I use my internet persona as my Facebook profile. Why, you may ask? It’s because I am an early 2,000’s internet junkie, you know the era when it was an internet rule to NOT SHARE YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION ONLINE and you were supposed to use an alias whenever you participate on the interwebz. The problem is, todays’ netizens never grew up in that Golden era and are so innocent and naive about how the internet really operates. In the very least newbies in the world wide web NEED to be directed to 4chan at least to get to know how the internet used to operate :stuck_out_tongue:

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They actually do y, I think it was Vice News that had a piece on how it was used in, I think, Nigeria (or Rwanda or Congo).

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That may be so, but they won’t get anything out of me (if at all any) as I said I do not give out sensitive data on social media. Also I do not follow nor care for “Trends” or whatever is viral on social media as I’m definitely not a sheeple and I only care for things I absolutely care for.


They have everything they need through yr sms, email, voice conversations, microphone, and camera from yr phone anyways, not Cambridge ofc, but institutions with way more power than them

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Paranoid much? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Anyway these wankers can do whatever the heck they want as I absolutely don’t give an eff~!


if you roam long enough online you know theres no privacy what so ever, they are just using this fiasco to bring on more regulation


looooool, y, i wear a tinfoil hat too. maybe u should inform yrself a little bit though:

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I deactivated my account a year ago.

is it likely mine was used? cause I can’t check without logging in and that brings the account back which I never want to see again.

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Am I the only one that got this message?


“cleanup isle 3, someone just sprayed soda everywhere” :confounded: :man_facepalming: :joy: :rofl:
(and this is why i have a cloth nearby my monitor)


This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.


And you need to take a few yourself…

This was a FYI, Not a signal to get all wired up!


Fine I’ll accept that, but please also kindly inform harith that his irrational paranoia isn’t helpful either.

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“just because you’re paranoid, doesn’t mean no one isn’t after you”




and maybe u should look at the source; i’m citing The Guardian, and these are established, accepted facts which have been verified, this has nothing to do with paranoia or anything irrational.

There’s nothing wrong with sharing some useful information, and if one does not find it useful they can just move on. It is not forced upon them to actually read it or consider it.

Let me also stress that we come here to enjoy/entertain/inform ourselves; we don’t come here to pick fights or resort to name calling. thx