Since i have over 20K coins and the games that are there i already have xD so like i kinda don’t need the coins and i feel like if its possible to donate them somehow i would gladly will
You can sort of gift individual keys. If someone wants a particular game, you can use your coins to buy it and simply message them the steam key. As far as I’m aware, that’s the closest you can get but I’ll be happy to be corrected if I missed something
yea do what @HappyCabbage said , buy a key (since you can only buy 1 of each) when games get released, then gift those keys away, Chrono have said it’s okay to gift like that i believe
You will regret this when GTA V finally appears in the coin shop
Yeah rumors proves
or the team skype dinner date + a movie
We intentionally didn’t create a way to transfer coins between accounts in order to make botting/account fraud slightly more difficult. Like others suggested, redeeming for keys and then gifting those is your best bet for now.
I am not opposed to this idea
okey great i will do that soon