On pre order for 1.50 all 10 games
I don’t understand how this works. How much does it cost at full price once it launches?
Also, no matter what you do, don’t show this to @YQMaoski. Dude’s breaking apart, I swear.
It’s the chrono black hole all over again, don’t think and feed it!
Will find out in less then 20 hr. 1.50 10 pice grab bag im down.
Usually the preorder price is about 30-50% of the total price when the whole bundle is released. Preorder price gets you the whole thing, but of course you don’t know what it is…
I got too many cruddy games from Groupees so I am less likely to jump in their blind bundles now…
Yeah Groupees bundles does not have a very high quality standard, ever so often something good shows up which then is worth paying the “full” bundle price for. One can find some nice music now and then though.
I have purchased more music from them than games, that’s for sure.
Yeah no, not gonna fall for this “but you get so much for just a buck!!! piles of games!!!”
I don’t pay for 1 horseshit and if you pile it up am not gonna pay for 10 horseshits either hoping I’d find gold in there.
This is just simple psychology play to get ppl to pay for things they don’t want.