A Wild Giveaway Appears! (Ended)

@Vindace, it’s an interesting set of rules, but it was pretty clear, in my opinion.


I can understand the confusion. Considering icon and profile picture are technically the same thing.

So the question becomes, would “having a picture on your Profile” be the “Profile Picture” or “Profile Background”?


What happened was that I misread it to mean profile picture, not background. So I uploaded a user card, and had a profile picture and figured it was good. With the clarification only being for the user card, I took that to mean we didn’t need a profile background.

I’m not trying to complain though, just voicing where I went wrong.


Well, even if you were in the right, you would still get the same game as if I make an exception. This is just because of how I chose to run the rolls for the giveaway.

And clarifying the rule will not change the outcome as well.


Nawww, so no win for me this time, but I can’t wait for your next giveaway :wink: Just thinking about my past with Pokémon gets me nostalgic and happy <3

Thanks a lot for this chance!

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Like I said, I’m not trying to complain or raise a fuss, just explaining how I misunderstood the rules and got DQ’d, so hopefully it won’t happen to others in the future. :slight_smile:


It was a very cool story. I’m glad you shared it.


There might be something in your system that I do not understand, but my seed number is 27 and I see 27 being rolled in the first set. Should that not mean that I won something?

The games I entered for looks to have been awarded to rolls of 26 and 3 neither of which were rolled in the first set?

Edit: After running through the data a few times in a few ways I’ve found a system that fits the results and while not how I would have done it, I suppose it works.

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GG to all the winners and thanks for a great giveaway :raised_back_of_hand::raised_hand:

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Each set correlates to a respective game. So set one is for Ashes, two for Throne of Lies, etc.


This may be one of the first giveaways I have actually completely missed. It’s been a really bad week so I’m not surprised that I missed this one. Oh well. There are always plenty more. Congrats to all the winners. I have no idea who won, but I’ll check that in a bit.


I knew I should have chose eevie!

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I got Pokemon Eevee for the Switch.

missing from the picture: Sylveon


Aw… the cuteness overload! :slight_smile:


Tried that, doesn’t work. :grinning: