25% off awesome looking VR Game

I just got a coupon for

Never heard of it before, partially I guess cause I don’t have a VR glasses, but it makes a good impressions imho. So if anybody here is interested, I’ll let that coupon go your way :slight_smile:


You really lucked out. This is the first time I’ve ever seen someone get a random discount for a quality game. It just… doesn’t happen.

Anyway, Mage’s Tale is generally regarded as one of the best launch-ish titles for Vive/Oculus Touch. It’s been around for a while, but judging by the release date it may have been in early access before.

Even if you don’t recognize the game, you might recognize the developer:

They were behind the Wasteland series, including the Kickstarter-backed sequel that practically broke Kickstarter with all its hype.


Ikr!? I generally only get coupons for the last crapware titles :sweat_smile:

THIS EXPLAINS IT ALL! I have Wasteland 2! That must be my connection to the dev and why I got this coupon even tho I never heard of the game nor do I own VR games.


I got the same coupon if anyone’s interested.


That’s quite a long time frame for a coupon too.


I just added this to my wishlist funny enough.


Do you want the coupon? I can send it along, or CrazR can send his I suppose… I don’t think we are friends on Steam. It currently says Tradable, I can’t find a button that lets me gift it right now… that’s odd…


well you see…my problem is, I need more than 25% off to convince me to buy a game that I may not play for months/years to come, it might just be a waste if I took it.


did steam change all coupons display? because that one doesn’t seem to have the little usual “doesn’t apply with other discounts” disclaimer :thinking:
and there was a couple of coupons that have been able to mix with sales discounts before
if that’s the case there, it might just end up being a “good” coupon for some people


I just looked at it, it doesn’t have anything else indicating that it cannot be combined with anything else… I am curious now… :thinking:


you don’t mean that it might be possible to discount this to 100% if one were to obtain 4 of these coupons?

I really feel this is a stupid question and I doubt its possible to do, but I felt the need to ask anyway


no, only 1 coupon per item
the question here is if the/“that” coupon can be applied to an already existing discount, say if there was a “easter” sale going with 30%discount, if that coupon then applies another 25% (for a combined of something like 45+%)
since some coupons do/did work that way, and others that don’t used to be marked with a disclaimer stating it didn’t apply to already existing discounts (i remember that for instance from sega make war not love, where you got coupons, that didn’t work with the store discount already on games -but the coupon had that on as a note)

(the reason it’s interesting here is that coupon seem to last a strangely long time, so a store discount/sale perhaps wouldn’t be that unlikely to occur during its duration)


I love how quickly you went from “idk if 25% off can convince me to buy it” to
“maybe I can get it for free?!?”


you have to admit free is very convincing


I have no idea what your Steam ID is so I can’t see your wishlist or library but if you want a 20% off Cosmic Star Heroine coupon you’re welcome to it. (that pretty much goes for anyone who’d like it…)


While we’re on the subject, I have a 90% off coupon for Wubba Lubba Dub Dub in case anyone wants it.