Thursday: Rogue Waters

live right meow


live right meow:


I don’t know if this can help you. But this makes sense for what you’re doing on Twitch.


yes, however, @GeekInUndies told me about this guy explaining this like 5 months or so ago, and I’ve since followed him and watch him now and then, and guess what, I’ve seen him explain this live once like 3 months ago, and you know what he said then, he said, “that’s how it used to be, and that’s how I did it, but that no longer works…”

I guess he meant that it used to work maybe before everyone started streaming and that now there’s no longer the possibility to do this cuz there’s too much competition and no room for growth.

I know everyone now says it’s impossible to grow on twitch through twitch. All the new guys that have come up on twitch and become big have all first exploded on Tiktok mostly, or wherever else, but not on twitch through twitch

and i can clearly see it; i’ve put in the work, I’m very often also one of the top streamers in the games i play, however small i am, and it rly doesnt lead anywhere as far as i can see; every single follower is rly hard to come by and far and few in between, and meanwhile you do see all the streamers who do already have a following get tens if not hundreds of followers a day

all that being said, I’m not helping myself by constantly switching games either; ppl hate it and most rly only want you to play the one game they like watching and some call u out on it and some unfollow because of it. Like, when i was playing SnowRunner almost daily I did somewhat consistently get more followers and also more viewership but I don’t want this to feel like a job while it’s not my job cuz then what’s the point. I’d be fine with that if it were to become my job instead of working, but that’s not the case, so I’d rather just keep it as my hobby and have fun with it.

and I’m having tons of fun and so I’m just gonna keep doing it, I guess, lol

I do appreciate u bringing this up though, a lot, so thx for that

edit: then also, besides that, this guy, pirate software, brings real value to the table with his stream and actually benefits others, u know, while in the end im just a dude playing games, so I’d say that guy would’ve made it regardless, I think, in the end, while I’m just one in a million playing games and not rly adding value

edit 2: and then ofc there’s just also rly just a huge element of randomness and luck involved too. There’s plenty of ppl who’s stream is objectively worse than mine by a lot but who have more viewers. Like the bitrate sucks, the mic sucks, they just sit there and hardly interact with the viewers at all. And then there’s ppl who’s stream looks crazy good and have put in a lot more effort than me but they have even less viewers than me. I guess all one can do is just his best and for the rest also just hope for the best :man_shrugging:

edit 3: and then there’s also just the thing that ofc many streamers who did eventually “made” it only rly did so after having streamed for many years as well. So if that stands for anything, I guess just hanging in there might do the trick for some, but that will still only be the very, very few because although there’s constantly ppl dropping out cuz they end up giving up and realizing it’s not going anywhere there’s also constantly new ppl starting out and trying to make something happen, so the struggle and competition will always be there as well, I guess.

but again, main thing is to just have fun. I love gaming, obviously, and interacting with chat while doing it is just a plus for me.


live right meow


Nibbling. Will peek in for a few.

Ugh. I got distracted and forgot like true squirrel.


live right meow


live again


Meow was so tired from travelling and helping out my mom yesterday, I fell a-sheep. :sleeping:


live again:


finished Wall World, might play its DLC next cuz the base game was a lot of fun for me:

I’m gonna do my best and not make the obvious joke in my stream title, even though I know geeky will be disappointed with me for it, but my kids will probably be watching (so there’s no way i go there, lol), and also maybe I should chill a bit with that kinda shit. :sweat_smile:


Don’t you mean wa wo ll rld? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


I’m live now:


live right meow:

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yo guys, sry, could someone confirm whether end elements appear on the video when watching it (like a suggested video and a subscribe prompt)? I’ve added those but they don’t seem to appear for me.