Thursday: Into Death and Beyond

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I’ll be playing 5 different demos today:

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live now

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live now

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live now

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live now

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live now

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how did you like sulfur? i am considering buying it but my friend told me its not worth the price and i am trying to be more conscious of early access purchases.

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It’s a fun and funny game. I definitely feel like it’s a game I might want to play to completion. However, atm, it is very unoptimized. FPS is all over the place going from 200 down to often 40 and sometimes even <20. As for the price, that’s too subjective for me to judge. I got it for free but regional pricing for me has it at $15, I think, and I think full price would be $25 but it’s on sale at $20.

Honestly, I’d have no problem at all saying the game is worth the $15 that such indie games used to cost. The question is whether one feels that such indie games are entitled to charge the $20-$25 that they’re charging now, and so I guess that’s going to depend on a person-by-person and game-by-game basis, so yeah, too subjective to call.


thank you for your insight. haha sorry reading back my reply it really does seem very finance oriented but actually i was more interested in your experience with the game and your opinion on it. my anti early access stance is not really about the price but more like why would i spend my finite time playing an unfinished game which then makes me very likely not play it again when they finish it

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The game has a lot of content already. From what I understand it has 5 biomes and 3 more should be added. I think there’s no problem with a lack of content at all. As for playing games in EA, what I personally often do is I have some fun with those I buy into early and then leave them on the side till 1.0 releases to then fully enjoy them. The advantage to doing that is that you often get the game cheaper that way too. And if you want you can also jump in every time there’s a big update as well. But that’s just me.


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If you have a list of games to play, maybe you can add this demo. The gameplay looks fun and has a mix of high stress and resting rooms to plan and chat. Pretty good combination for streamers.


oooh. Zombonie! Should be a ton of fun this.


yeah, I have way too much stuff to play but added this to my wishlist. It does look cool. If I ever see it on the sites that offer free keys I’ll make sure to try and get it and stream it then. I’m not rly going through demos atm since I already have so many full games I need to stream now lol.

One of those I got was PayDay 3 and i played it yesterday and actually ended up enjoying that way more than i anticipated, to the point that i played it even more offstream afterwards. So I’ll play more of that soon as well. And got a key for The Hunt 1896 too :eyes:

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