Sundered: Eldritch Edition free @Epic Games Store

I’m ignorant of the finer details but wouldn’t that be the same for everyone (i’ve visited maybe 3 or 4 pages on the site) and aren’t cookie sizes displayed here different from cached data?


not necessarily, maybe you visited pages with game trailers etc. and maybe some of the trailers were saved in-browser

I don’t know exactly myself how all that works, but i know that sometimes my 3-year-old can watch certain youtube videos he watched online before on my wife’s phone (without them having been downloaded) while our internet has gone out (and mobile data turned off as well), so it seems certain browsers etc. save lots of images and sometimes even video.

For example, when my internet goes off and i refresh my youtube in-browser, all the thumbnails still load and even the preview thingy still works, which means my browser stored all that data when the page loaded initially. That’s a lot of data…


dude, you are definitely infected by Tencent or something :no_mouth:


I actually don’t know too much about the details here either. Is there any way for you to delete your cookies and not other site data? That you way you can see how much data is stored aside from the cookies.


That data includes localStorage and cookies, but not cached files.

In Firefox, you can get details of the data by using the Storage Inspector (Shift+F9, or Menu > Web Developer > Storage Inspector, or F12 to bring up the developer tools and click the Storage tab). You can delete individual pieces of data from this interface as well.

Unfortunately, for the Epic data to show up, you’d have to do this on Epic’s site, there doesn’t seem to be a way in FF to view the data for arbitrary sites.


Admittedly I’m not 100% sure what I’m looking at, but there’s nothing much unusual there…cache storage has about 5 .js files and 5 .css files (which I’m assuming are small). Local and session storage are both empty…

Also bizarrely, I’m now down to 95.9MB having done nothing but browse the site a little.


that’s definitely weird


Checked again…Going down…


tencent knows you know :eyes:



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It’s very odd that you’re not seeing anything odd o_o JS and CSS files can get big, but usually not 50+MB big… I find it especially hard to believe that there’s no cookie and localStorage data associated with their site. Epic, what the heck are you doing :V

It’s not that weird for the size to go down, since you’re browsing the site, it might be updating the stored data with new data that happens to be smaller, or some of the old data may be expiring.

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