The game has gone free-to-play just a few hours ago and right after, the announcement: severs will be shut down September 14th. This game had a bumpy ride, that’s for sure.
acuh, feel bad for those that spent money on it…
damn, sad to see a game go like that
The least they could do would be to create and give away a server hosting program and make the game able to connect to privately hosted servers instead of just leaving everyone who bought their game high and dry like this.
That’s something that I’ve seen popping up on Reddit. It would be cool, but is on Nexon… I think. From what I remember, I’ve never seen a single comment from the publisher. That’s to show how much they care
That would be a great idea, but there’s a key assumption you accidentally made here:
That would imply Nexon actually caring about the game.
You know, the company that let a AA project of extremely high production value somehow die in a month due to lack of marketing, poor funding, and lack of long-term support that eventually killed BKP as they continued to try and update the game regularly. LawBreakers could have succeeded under ANY publisher other than Nexon, and they managed to snatch defeat out of the clutches of victory.