Free Steam Games Thread

"There is No Light 616 is a free version of the action-adventure There is No Light with 3 locations, a boss-fight, and an exclusive arena mode! " -The steam store description


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This is an unplayable, delisted game. If you add this free license through SteamDB, however, the game will be binded to your account and will add +1.


I’ve wondered before, how is increasing your game count on Steam a good thing, what does it do? :eyes:

EDIT: From what I’ve read about this game, it needs a server, and there are none anymore, so I assume it is unplayable?


Well, I’ll quote FGF subreddit for you:

What do users mean when they ask or mention “+1”? Easy!

You’ll often notice offers for the Steam platform here on FGF. In a lot of those posts, people might bring up something about “+1”. What that means is that the offer/post will end up being an increase to your Steam game count. It can be a little confusing, as Steam can deceive you slightly with the Steam client game count, but it’s a different one. On your Steam profile page, you can see a count of your games. That number being increased is what we’re looking for with +1. There are more technicalities with what decides that, but that is basically what it means.

One might be interested in this for the little bits of Steam profile XP (1 game = 1 XP), or just for their own library bolstering. It’s just a little part of the Steam platform.

And like I posted, the game is indeed unplayable. So it’s only worth for the +1.


Thanks @carvalho20ptc :sparkles: :dizzy: :sparkles:


Free Steam Key for Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide:

>>> Get It Here <<<


Free (limited time): Train Simulator: Amtrak P42DC 50th Anniversary Collector’s Edition

Requires Train Simulator 2022 (which many of us got before for $1 sale):


You lucky bastards! :joy:

I’ll buy this game someday when I get a good budget. :disappointed_relieved:


It was the $1 tier of a Humble Bundle around 02/10/21 (I think I learned about it here at chrono), and it was called Train Simulator 2021 at the time (I think) but now they call my copy Train Simulator 2022 so I think they changed the name of that version.


Oh, all right. I’m glad you got it while you could. :+1:

I confess I’m not that much interested in simulators but I think this looks like a good game. Specially now that I’m watching the video below to chill:


Thanks @carvalho20ptc and @markwr :heavy_heart_exclamation: :heavy_heart_exclamation: :heavy_heart_exclamation:

@carvalho20ptc I checked my stash of keys. Nada. Sorry :cry:


Nothing ? That’s a pity, heh. :sweat_smile:

Besides, the game’s pretty expensive, so I understand. Guess I’ll have to get it on another time.


Oo I missed it I didn’t see it >.<
I keep forgetting all the games r in one thread now, not that I would have played this much considering how much I have to play xD I need to check more I guess, but I also don’t like those install to add to account one. Sorry if this sounds like moaning lol just need to get used to it. I might have still missed it tbh considering how fast these go hehe it happened b4, i’m glad these do get posted tho

fanatical also seems to have stopped sending me emails even tho im subscribed which is weird I need a better way to track games directly, I used to use epic bundle but I got tired of visting it all the time lol otherwise i have the steam tracker going but it only seems to work for games directly on there.


Yeah I was confused like I don’t have the 2022 edition? But yes I do since they just changed the name, i’m glad I got it. But I keep thinking wow this game has a lot of dlc xD makes sense for a train game though to have lots of extra routes I guess most ppl dont buy every single one


This how I have my home page setup. You can change it in preferences.

“Latest” shows all the new posts since you visited


Ah yea the latest tab is useful I forget all these little things when I visit via mobile
Thanks @delenn13


I am always viewing latest… lol, that way I don’t have to keep track of which topic sections get updated. :slight_smile:


I thought there was a thread where people could offload extra keys, but I was not able to find it.

GMG has a prize wheel for XP users where you can get a free spin to win a steam game or discount vouchers. I happened to win the XP pack which came with 5 steam games and $2 in GMG credit.

I happened to already have one the games though so I’ll place the key here, free for the taking.

The Walking Dead key: T?QI?-WJLZ0-VNIRX - to trick some of the bots, the first ? is the number eight and the second is the number five.

If a mod sees this and knows the thread I’m talking about, please feel free to move this.

Link to the wheel if others want to try their luck at getting some free games: Green Man Gaming


thanks @ToxicScarecrow !!


Thanks but unfortunately it’s not available in my country. Not even VPNs work with it.

Also, I usually buy my games straight from Steam or GOG.