Our @xxoonxx1 
@carvalho20ptc Well, my Switch Lite has a screen issue. It’s also a second hand guy, so the repair might in total cost half of what it cost me. Between now and next year, I’m deciding whether to fix it or look into a moddable Switch. I really miss my Lite though. (I have it, of course, but I miss playing).
I see, that’s a pity.
But at least you’re claiming all the games.
For sure. I saw fishing in this last one. Sucks that I can’t play.

FUELED UP this really reminded me of “out of space” and “overcooked”
ok so local co op of up to 4 ppl… sadly i dont got that…
your traveling through space and taking the ship is taking damage so you have to repair any holes n make n reload the thrusters of the ship… its simple enough n u’ll have a switchable buddy in single player… the levels get more complex and new mechanics get added as you progress… sadly this has no online so i didnt see if levels would act differently like some do in overcooked… it was ok i guess… became kind of a chore after a bit…
Alder’s Blood
now this seemed like a real step up from the last two games… full story tactical rpg… im bad at these… notoriously bad lol but i did alright… the story looking dark n broody with weird monsters and beast along what gave me like a dark western vibe… this one is definitely worth a shot… enough said i dont wanna ruin the plot… and all the mechanics are explained as you progress so even someone as bad as me could make progress… so yeh
Bob Help Them
sooooooo… you play as bob… and you help them… … … yup also enough said…
ok so seriously its kinda bland… looks nice n my niece liked it… you collect things for ppl…
pears, apples, oranges, fish, wood, rocks, etc… everything u need is on the map n fairly easy to figure out… then once u collect said amount guess what u give it to them… thrilling gameplay really…
this continues over n over as more ppl show up n ask for crazier request… all on a timer… it was pretty hard to lose really… moving on…
Master Spy
so simple platformer with 2 buttons jump n stealth… while stealthy u move slower but cant be seen by ppl or cameras… dogs can still sniff ya tho…eventually they introduce motion detector lasers and several electric traps… was gettinbg a bit interesting until a certain level… u need to run fast enough to pass motion detectors and u cannot stop cus pressure plates will shock u… i counldt pass this part… i hated myself i took a break i questioned life i cried in the fetal position for a bit tried again n realised i just cant do it… not sure if its a bug or by design… even with precise timing if i make it pass the last pressure plate will always shock u… yet the previous plates rose slightly that last one will always rise instantly as u leave its range… if u look at that video at 9:41 thats where i get shocked n thats where the game beat me, touche game…
well thats all for now i’ll try n get to the other ones tho i still miss my dana reviews… im juggling work… friends… n gifts… actually feels nice to say that… maybe hopefully someday i can even get a significant other who knows… also i might have to reach out about doing some giveaway stuff again that list is not small… n i swear i dont do it on purpose… hope u all are having doing great holidays or not…
Aw… purr hugs Thanks for taking one for team!
Master Spy did you in, huh? I hope it’s not glitched.
So far, it sounds like Alder’s Blood is the one I’ll enjoy most. RPG for every win. 
Day 9:
This one is a repeat.
So, @xxoonxx1, did you get Will You Snail on special ?
@Danacscott Did you beat the game ?
Hi hi. Thanks for the new shiny share, but no, I didn’t beat this one. I got distracted by other stuff most likely.
Last day:
Aaand another repeat.
Where’s @Danacscott @xxoonxx1 and @GDBringer ?
shakes a fluffy tail Here is I. Purr.
I enjoyed the previous game Creepy Tale 1 - some of the puzzles were a bit tricky. I do have this one too, but I don’t remember playing it. All in all, a good set of new shinies. Thanks for keeping it up to date @carvalho20ptc 
You’re welcome. I’ve thought you missed a day but I see that all is good. 
Having 12 days of family reunion for Christmas. I won’t be online as often.
Thanks for keeping up with all the Freebies.
ring sculptors
otay well this was unexpected… this a story based choices matter kinda a game with rpg elements…
seriously u make a character and choose stats and everything… my first run was very short as i died almost immediately…
this game reminds me of those chosse your own adventure books i read as a kid…
honestly not bad but with all the reading this was more of a interactive book rather than a game…
classic logical bundle
minesweeper, connect 4, reversi which i have never played… and tick tac toe… thats kinda all it is… no online play for any of the games which is a shame…but yeah nothing fancy or special…
Drag racing rivals
this feels like a phone game… on a count of one all menus use the touch screen… feels weird too… the drag racing part looks ok but it becomes very grindy very quick… race this one guy like 8 times get enough money buy new upgrade rinse n repeat then save up enough to buy a new car and then upgrade that by drag racing some more… this is kinda like the need for speed games drag racing mode minus the good graphics… it was ok i guess…
Cyjin: The cyborg Ninja
yup was a repeat but still a very fun game… travel from wall to wall while slashing… reflexes is the name of the game… fast pace and challenging…
Ego Protocol: Remaster
this was like a lemmings game with like a robot… gave me like pipes vibes mix with lemmings… fairly simple gameplay… rotate sections on a screen to get the bot to move to exit and collect stuff along the way… it was ok for a bit but didnt keep me intrigued…
Creepy tale 2
this was also a repeat right… was a nice point n click with some horror elements if i remmeber correctly…
@carvalho20ptc i got will it snail for my pc… the only down side is i wanted it on the switch so i can play it during my breaks at work or when im laying down… im too broke from presents to b spending money all willy nilly,
@GDBringer I see. I hope you have some great holidays with your family and friends. 
@xxoonxx1 Thanks for the reviews, and I’m glad you finally got the game.
Anyway, the giveaway is over, enjoy your games! 
Wow, our Oon came through with the reviews. Is purring. 
I miss my Switch a lot, but I redirected coin to get a sorta gift for my nephew and such overseas. New Year fix or replace.
Reminds me, that Humble Choice likely out for this December. The Logos book ship was here for the first time in 8 years, so heh.,. 
PS: Oon, I finally completed Shafowhand last night. The last boss was the easiest fight, everyone else I had to tackle 2, 4, so many times.
Want to try hard mode now. Hee.
Thanks for everything guys