Hey day, let Danacscott have an easy time for hosting these giveaways, kthxbye!
30, 13
Going for that S~
Do we get to pick which game we want from that letter (if we win) or is it random? Also, by pair of doubles for the “2d20” I assume that for that one it’s if you get any combination of the numbers you wrote next to it? (Unlike “2d45”; just wanted to make sure)
@discobot roll 2d20
1, 12
@Luxen Pretty sure we can choose the “S” game.
For example I’m going for Hollow Knight. Let’s gooo luck be on my side!
@discobot roll 2d20
17, 8
7, 13
Huh. Well spotted. I did mean like 2,2 or 5,5. Any combination could have been like 2,5 or 7,13. Don’t think anyone has rolled that yet.
Also, yes, best to specify which S. At the start, I didn’t expect to have more than one.
… I just got done say… Okay people. Are we going with Luxen’s any combination?
Has Geeky won Cthulu according to my wording in the rules? Sound your voice, Yay or Nay.
I need to get dressed and find documents.
You are the host, you decide (but I would say yes because that would make it easier to win lol)
5, 2